Prayers for  Residential School Survivors

Truth and Reconciliation Weeks: September 23 - October 3, 2024


215 marks an important number. It marks the nation's eyes opening to the truth. As the number of bodies being uncovered across the nation continue to rise, we commit to education and reconciliation, to raising awareness and creating change and action among our students and families. 

In loving memory ...

In loving memory of the children that never returned home

We recognize the difficult parts of our nation’s history.  We wish to honour the lives of the thousands of children that never returned home. 

This 2023 - 2024 school year, as numbers continue to climb by the thousands, we stand in solidarity and call ourselves to action as we remember the children. 

Prayer for Reconciliation 

Holy One, Creator of all that is, seen and unseen, of story and of song, of heartbeat and of tears of bodies, souls, voices and all relations: you are the God of all truth and the way of all  reconciliation.   Uphold with your love and compassion all who open their lives in the sacred sharing of their stories breathe in us the grace to trust in your loving forgiveness, that we may face our histories with courage;  touch us through the holy gift of story that those who speak and those who listen may behold your own redeeming presence;  guide us with holy wisdom to enter through the gates of remorse that our feet may walk gently and firmly on the way of justice and healing.    Amen                                                                                                                                Adapted from Kairos

Art Work created by Artist Moses Lunham, Kettle and Stony Point First Nation

The bodies of the 215 children found marks an important time in history where the truth that was always known was undeniable. This marked the beginning of bringing the children home across the Nation.

Loving Creator

Your creation explodes with the colours of the rainbow

Your peoples reveal the beauty of diversity

We remember today when the joy and dignity of a precious child was destroyed.

We lament today for the childhoods lost through the residential school system.

We mourn for the spirits crushed and the futures compromised.

Celebrate the hope and joy of every child

Tell the stories of resistance that make us stronger

Build the bonds of solidarity to ensure “never again”

We pray for the survivors, those that never made it home, and all who are impacted. Amen

Adapted from Kairos