Bear Moon

February: 2nd Moon - Mkwa Giizis - Bear Moon 

The second moon of Creation is Bear Moon. This moon gives us a special teaching about the birth of bear cubs.  This is usually one of the brightest moons of the year.  Names for this month’s Moon have historically had a connection to animals. 

Other Names for this Moon: Snow Moon, Bald Eagle Moon or Eagle Moon (Cree), Black Bear Moon (Tlingit) refer to the time when bear cubs are born. The Dakota also call this the Raccoon Moon (Dakota), Goose Moon (Haida) and some Algonquin peoples named it the Groundhog Moon. 

Learning IN & FROM all of Creation

Continuum of Learning IN and FROM the Outdoors

Learning FROM the Outdoors

Learning IN the Outdoors


Winter Activities:

Build a Mini Snow Sculpture – Create an animal from snow. ⛄ 

Make a Winter Offering – Leave a small pinch of semaa (tobacco) in gratitude for the season.  

Sing a Winter Song – Learn and sing an Anishinaabe song about winter. 🎶 

Observe the Night Sky – Look for constellations that guide winter travelers. 🌌 

Warm Drink Time – Enjoy a cup of cedar tea or hot chocolate. ☕

Anishinaabe Winter Scavenger Hunt

Biboong—Winter ❄️
Explore the winter season with this fun scavenger hunt while learning Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe language)!

Scavenger Hunt Items:

Science Connections

Life Cycles

Adaptations of Living Things 

Sustainability & Reciprocity